New publication from the SUNLAB: Journal of Photonics for Energy
SUNLAB director Karin Hinzer and postdoctoral fellow Meghan Beattie have contributed to a new article in the Journal of Photonics for Energy. In this Perspective, experts in the field of photovoltaics representing 33 organizations in nine countries came together to publish a “Status report on emerging photovoltaics.” The report describes the current status and recent developments of photovoltaic technologies including silicon, thin film, III-V tandem, perovskite, organic, and dye-sensitized solar cells. Applications and commercialization of emerging technologies are also discussed along with strategies for exceeding the detailed balance limit, light management, and photovoltaics sustainability and environmental impact.
Prof. Hinzer and Dr. Beattie authored section 4.1: III-V Tandem PV. The section discusses the different design architectures used in III-V tandems including lattice-matched, wafer bonded, metamorphic, mechanical stacking, and subcell segmentation. Notable efficiencies for tandem cells with up to six junctions are referenced. An original figure designed by Dr. Beattie is featured on the Journal of Photonics for Energy issue cover.
This article will be a resource for experts and newcomers to the field of photovoltaics alike, providing an overview of the current status of emerging photovoltaic technologies and showing their potential as photovoltaic energy generation becomes an increasingly significant source of electricity across the globe.
Click here for the full article.
A.Anctil, M. N. Beattie, et al., Status report on emerging photovoltaics, J. Photonics Energy 13(4) (2023). DOI: 10.1117/1.JPE.13.042301