Earlier this month, SUNLAB students and researchers attended the 52nd IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference in Seattle, Washington. Professor Karin Hinzer, postdoctoral fellow Mathieu de Lafontaine, PhD physics candidates Gavin Forcade and Erin Tonita, PhD electrical engineering candidates Mandy Lewis and Annie Russell, MSc physics candidate Alison Clarke, BSc physics student Trinity Berube as well as our friend from the Krich Lab PhD physics candidate Daisy Xia presented results on a wide range of topics including photonic power converters, bifacial photovoltaic systems, and betavoltaics. For a full list of SUNLAB presentations, see our Conference Presentations page.
Congratulations to:
Mandy Lewis, for being awarded Best Student Paper Award for the third year in a row, for Area 10 this time;
Daisy Xia, for being awarded Best Poster for Area 1;
Gavin Forcade, for being a Best Student Presentation Award Finalist for Area 3;
Daisy Xia and Gavin Forcade for mentions in the Wednesday Daily Highlights;
Mathieu de Lafontaine and Mandy Lewis for mentions in the Thursday Daily Highlights.
Congratulations also go to University of Ottawa alumni, Jamie Harrison, now a PhD student at University of New South Wales in Australia, for being awarded Best Student Paper Award for Area 1. Jamie was supervised by Professor Jacob Krich as an undergraduate student.
The IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference is the longest-running technical gathering for photovoltaics. This year, it was held at the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, Washington, from June 9 to 14.
Mandy Lewis
Certificate for Mandy Lewis’s Best Student Paper Award.
Daisy Xia receiving Best Poster Award for Area 1 from PVSC Cherry Committee chair Seth Hubbard.
Trinity Berube (left) and Alison Clarke (right)